Investors can choose to invest with Forest Enterprises in two ways. Either in a new forest at the beginning of its second rotation, or in an established forest that is nearer harvest. Or both.

Either way, you invest directly in New Zealand’s fourth largest export sector with the country’s original and most successful forestry investment manager.

New investment opportunity coming soon

A new carbon-centric investment opportunity will be available in mid-2024.
To register your interest, contact Nicola

No money is currently being sought. Financial products cannot currently be applied for or acquired. When the offer is made, the offer will be made in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. Forest Enterprises Limited is seeking preliminary indications of interest and no indication of interest will involve an obligation or a commitment to acquire the financial products.

Secondary Market

We facilitate the sale and purchase of shares in established Forest Enterprises forestry investments, matching willing sellers with willing buyers via tender.

To submit a tender, complete the Tender Form (also included in the Investment Report) and return it to us. The value of your tender depends on your own investment objectives. Please note, a deadline for tenders is imposed once the first tender is received. Check this page for any changes.

When shares are available, they will be listed here. Click on the forest name for the investment profile:

Read more Indicative initial offer Projected return at harvest Projected harvest date(s) Projected future
contributions (Calls)
Location Download
Investment Report
Pukerewa Forest $37,024 $86,734 pre-tax 2024 ~ 2031 $0 per annum Gisborne
Glenross Forest $20,625 $44,818 pre-tax 2022 ~ 2032 $0 per annum Hawkes Bay

Ways to invest

Investors can purchase shares in our forestry Managed Investment Schemes at two different stages:

  • When the forest is new, at the beginning of its rotation – shares in the new-issue investment are purchased from Forest Enterprises as the offeror and the initial investment price is fixed. To register your interest in our next investment contact Nicola.
  • When the forest is established and is closer to harvest – shares in the investment are purchased from an existing Forest Enterprises client via the secondary market and the purchase price is negotiated between the buyer and seller. See the list above for current opportunities, or contact Customer Services Manager Sean Roberts on 021 822 802 for more information.

How our investments work

Our investments are structured to provide the control and protection we know investors value. Like limited liability, tax deductibility and liquidity.

And as the forest and investment manager, everything we do is to maximise returns to the investor, responsibly.

Full service forestry investment

Since 1972, Forest Enterprises has been helping people grow their wealth by expertly managing their direct investment in sustainably managed pine plantation forestry.

We one of the leading forestry investment managers in New Zealand.

Want to know more about investing?

We are here to help facilitate your sale or purchase of Forest Enterprises investments.
While we cannot give financial advice, we can answer your questions about how to invest with Forest Enterprises, and how our investments work for you – whether you’re an existing Forest Enterprises client, or are investing with us for the first time.
Contact us