Sustainable values are at the heart of our investments.
For forestry to be the viable, desirable inter-generational investment that it is, sustainable principles must guide everything we do as a professional manager.
We must be a responsible land manager, an environmental steward, a trusted business partner, a good neighbour, and a good employer.
Forest Stewardship Council Certification
Forest Enterprises manages over 35,000 hectares of forestry in the lower North Island of New Zealand.
Forest Enterprises has Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Forest Management certification for 44 of our Managed Investment Schemes (FSC® C168647).
Ours are the only MIS in New Zealand to be FSC certified. The forests are managed in accordance with the FSC standards for responsible forest management:
Environmentally Appropriate Protecting and maintaining natural communities and high conservation value forests.
Socially Beneficial Respecting the rights of workers, communities and tangata whenua.
Economically Viable Building markets, adding best value, and creating equitable access to benefits.
Forest Enterprises has developed an Estate Management Plan for the certified forests under management. The plans outline our forestry operations and management procedures for safeguarding the environment, the forest asset and all stakeholders.
At any time, you can read and download Estate Management Plan for Forest Enterprises’ Managed Investment Schemes at the following link. The full estate plan including maps is available on request, please contact us.
Read and download Forest Enterprises’ Environmental Standards at this link.
Read and download Forest Enterprises’ FSC Environmental Policy Statement at this link.
About FSC
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. FSC is the most rigorous international standard for responsible forestry. FSC certified forests conserve biological diversity, water resources and crucial ecosystems. The FSC standard also upholds worker rights and supports economic prosperity in surrounding communities. The FSC Chain of Custody certification ensures that certified wood products are tracked from forest to final product (and if applicable, that qualified recycled materials are used), adding legitimacy to the FSC claim throughout the supply chain.
FSC is not responsible for and does not endorse any financial claims on returns on investments.
“I think this is fantastic. A good acknowledgement of the already evident very professional outfit that Forest Enterprises is.
It obviously makes good commercial sense, as well as being the right thing to do environmentally.
It makes me much prouder to be a forest owner and even happier to be associated with Forest Enterprises. Pakipaki team: great mahi.”
Forest Enterprises also has FSC Forest Management certification for forestry we manage for Wairarapa Estate Limited and Norsewood Estate Limited (FSC® C131650).
At any time, you can read and download the Estate Management Plans at the following links. The full estate plans which include maps are available on request, please contact us.