
Forest & Investment Details

Location 44km northeast of Gisborne
Established net stock area 504.4 hectares
Year(s) planted 1996, 1997
Investment structure Limited Partnership (registered Managed Investment Scheme)
Balance date 31 December
Next forest visit To be confirmed

About Pukerewa Forest

Investment Structure

Pukerewa Forest Investment is a registered Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 – Scheme Number SCH10978. It is structured using our Limited Partnership (LP) investment structure.
LPs are a form of partnership involving General Partners (who are liable for all the debts and liabilities of the partnership) and Limited Partners. The liability of Limited Partners (investors) is limited and they are only liable to the extent of their capital contributions (funds invested), plus any other obligations expressed in the Limited Partnership Agreement.

Projected Future Calls

Each annual Financial Report contains details on Calls to be paid by investors for the next financial year together with the budget from which they are calculated. With annual income being received from New Zealand Carbon Leasing (No 1) Limited for carbon rental in Pukerewa Forest, future annual Calls are expected to be $0. This may be subject to change.


Each May, investors are sent a Tax Details Statement advising their tax position for the year, to be included in their annual tax return.

Annual Report

The financial year for the Pukerewa Forest Investment is to 31 December. The Annual Investment Reports - comprising the requisite Annual Report plus Financial Report (including the financial statements) - are available 4 months from this balance date. These reports and the investment's governing documents are available from the Companies Office Disclose Register at www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/disclose.

Forest Visits and Informal Meetings

The last Pukerewa Forest Visit and Informal Meeting was held in January 2024. The next visit is not yet scheduled.
These visits enable investors to view their growing forest and to meet and ask questions of the Forest Enterprises management team.


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