
By |2019-10-22T15:14:26+13:00July 30th, 2018||

The collective term for the various tasks (such as pruning) to improve tree form and wood quality, during the period between when a forest crop is established and the first thinning.


By |2018-07-31T14:08:31+12:00July 31st, 2018|, , |

The The Land and Treecrop on the Land are the primary assets of a Forest Enterprises Investment. The treecrop is the crop of Radiata pine trees growing on the Investment’s land that are being managed to harvest.


By |2017-07-07T09:10:24+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

Wood consists of cellulose (40-45%) and hemicellulose (15-30%), which are both carbohydrates. Wood also contains up to 30% of complex high molecular weight poly-phenolic chemicals, including lignin. Lignin is an important component that gives wood its rigidity (and consequently allows plants made from wood reach a large size) and much of its durability.

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