
Definition of terms and acronyms

Plantation Forest

By |2017-07-07T08:57:54+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

A forest that has been planted as a crop for eventual harvest. Most plantation forests are replanted following harvest for second and subsequent rotations in perpetuity. The majority of New Zealand plantation forests are planted in Radiata pine (Pinus radiata), an exotic tree species. Plantation forests contrast with indigenous or naturally occurring forests.

Plots / Plotting

By |2017-07-07T08:58:00+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

A plot is a selected sample of trees within an area. A plot is used during forestry operations (e.g. pruning and thinning) for quality control, or at other times for measuring growth and yield characteristics for record-keeping and projection purposes. Plotting is the process of statistically selecting the number and location of plots to get [...]

Pre-Emptive Rights

By |2017-07-07T08:58:07+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

A feature of an ordinary partnership investment, one of our historic investment structures. Under pre-emptive rights provisions (set out in the Deed of Partnership), should one member wish to sell their ordinary partnership share(s), they must first be offered to the other partners and only when these partners have declined to purchase at the seller's [...]

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

By |2020-09-09T14:51:48+12:00May 25th, 2016|, , |

The name of the registered disclosure document produced by Forest Enterprises for prospective investors as required under New Zealand’s Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 for new issue investments. The Product Disclosure Statement replaces the Prospectus and the Investment Statement that were previously required under the Securities Act 1978. Visit the FMA website here for a helpful [...]

Projected Return

By |2017-07-07T08:58:23+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

This is a calculation of the harvest returns using the current average log prices over the last 12 quarters (3 years) used by Forest Enterprises. The projected return is indicative only and can vary up or down, depending on actual rates of tree growth and associated timings of pruning and thinning, changes in stocked area, [...]


By |2017-07-07T08:58:42+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

Removal of branches flush with the trunk to promote the growth of knot-free timber. There are 1 - 4 prunes (sometimes called 'lifts') that usually occur between 4 and 8 years after planting.

Radiata pine (Pinus radiata)

By |2017-07-07T08:59:17+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

A fast-growing soft-wood tree that grows up to 35 metres and has many commercial uses. It is the most commonly grown tree in New Zealand's plantation forests. It is also known as Monterey pine and is native to California, USA.


By |2018-07-30T12:49:19+12:00March 7th, 2016|, , |

The period of time from when a forest is planted to when it is harvested.  The first rotation refers to the first period that a treecrop has been grown on a particular area of land. The second rotation refers to the second period that a treecrop has been grown on a particular area of land. Second [...]

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