
Definition of terms and acronyms


By |2018-07-31T13:46:22+12:00July 30th, 2018|, , |

In relation to this Managed Investment Scheme, the Supervisor is appointed to look after Investors' interests under the Scheme, per the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act). The Supervisor acts on behalf of the Investors to supervise the performance of the Manager and ensure it complies with its obligations under the FMC Act and the [...]


By |2019-10-22T15:14:26+13:00July 30th, 2018||

The collective term for the various tasks (such as pruning) to improve tree form and wood quality, during the period between when a forest crop is established and the first thinning.


By |2018-07-31T14:08:31+12:00July 31st, 2018|, , |

The The Land and Treecrop on the Land are the primary assets of a Forest Enterprises Investment. The treecrop is the crop of Radiata pine trees growing on the Investment’s land that are being managed to harvest.


By |2017-07-07T09:10:24+12:00March 7th, 2016|, |

Wood consists of cellulose (40-45%) and hemicellulose (15-30%), which are both carbohydrates. Wood also contains up to 30% of complex high molecular weight poly-phenolic chemicals, including lignin. Lignin is an important component that gives wood its rigidity (and consequently allows plants made from wood reach a large size) and much of its durability.

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